Monday, October 08, 2007

Canadian Thanksgiving

Yes, Canada celebrates Thanksgiving a whole month earlier. It's weird having it before Halloween, but hey at least I get to have two this year as Mike and me will hopefully go down to see his parents in Michigan during Thanksgiving weekend, so that should be lots of fun!
As I'm feeling much better now,I offered to help bake some pies so this morning I got up, had breakfast then began baking with my mom. We crushed some graham crackers and made pie crusts for the key lime pies and later on today we'll do the pumpkin pies. I love baking for the holidays, it's so much fun. But since I don't have a lot of baking to do today I might do some arts and crafts with the kids and make indian and pilgrim hats.
The guys here will most likely go to the park later this afternoon and play a game of soccer which is the "in" thing to play here and not football....ahhhhh!
Then there will be food, food and more food! Peter is a wonderful cook and can cook up just about anything you like, it's wonderful we'll be having a feast! So I'm off to eat, drink and be merry!
Hope you have a wonderful, thankful day too! :-)


Kelsey Noble said...

Oh that sounds like tons of fun! You're probably pretty happy to be able to eat all of that goodness. Love you!

Kelsey Noble said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes, we had a good day, although the dinner was a litle late and I ate to much so had a rough night. I can't eat a lot at once and esp. not before going to bed, so I learned my lesson.