Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Enjoying the winter months

Since my dear friend Connie showed us how much she's enjoying her winter weather down in the sunny south, I thought I should share my joy of the cold north. Talk about extremes.
How's the weather where your at?


Anonymous said...

Soooo cute! The snow looks beautiful. I"m sure you're tired of it though. =)

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous Marianne, I miss you!

crazynik said...

So pretty you and hope you're doing well xxx

Christina said...

You must be freezing, it's been below 20 here. But you do look amazing.

MarieAnne said...

It was warmer that day...and I was in and out pretty fast, so not to bad. Ha!

The Life and Times of Marianne McKen said...

AWE! You're so pretty Marieanne!

Chris C said...

you look realy good marianne im glad your better take care of your self ok