Sunday, March 13, 2011


It's a new year and nothing big is happening in my life at the moment. Not much to report! I do feel like blogging is a lost art, something which I use to do faithfully at least 4 times a week but now...nothing!
I've been content... busy with full time work at a daycare, caring for my 10 yr. old son who is now visiting his dad for a week during March break. I miss him!

I do have a lot on my mind though, a lot I can't express but lots that I'd like to get done to move ahead in my small world but I find myself wandering. I'm not sure what the reason for this is but I don't like it. I'm trying to figure out how my life is going to go from here on and what to make of it. I'm not satisfied or content with just being average or "normal". I don't know what this means nor do I think I'm capable of anything "outstanding", but it's just this feeling in my gut that leads me to believe I am meant to do something that matters. My friends and even people I just meet continually express to me that they get a feeling about me that makes them think I'm different and meant for something special. Who knows what that means...but I'd sure like to find out one of these days.
I feel happy with a small quite life but want something more from it then what it is now. I want to be able to be crazy passionate about something and just go for it. I feel a pull in many ways and don't know which path is the best. How does one find their calling, career, or purpose?
This is just me rambling off so don't pay me to much mind. Just something that I need to get out of my head and onto paper.
I'll be back :)


John and Mireille said...

I love you honey, don't get discouraged. You are very special and gifted. somethings just takes time.
But also being brave and stepping out by faith takes courage and faith and it is not always easy.
But I know that whatever you put your mind into you will do great! Praying for you!

Michelle Lavigne said...

I know just how you feel, I get the same way sometimes. Normal just isn't enough, and my dreams are so big, and I have so many different dreams its hard to know where to go. I do beleive that you will do something great with your life, I don't see it being average. Just keep your heart and mind open to every oportunity that presents itself, and find the courage to follow it. I wish you luck