Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Blueberry picking

While out Mike met a very sweet man he mentioned that he had rows a blueberry bushes in his yard and that the kids could come over and pick as many as they'd like. What fun....my mom was especially excited, the next day was Sunday so me and my mom took the kids to this guys house to go berry picking.....now we've got blueberries coming out of our ears, we got blueberry muffins,blueberry jam, blueberry icecream, blueberry wine and I could go on....but won't! Here's a few pic's



Anonymous said...

wow yes thy were yummy

Anonymous said...

Picking from fields are always fun, my mom loved doing that kind of stuff too. In Italy we had Olive orchards, and grape orchards (I don't know if that is what they are called, but non-the-less that was always a fun excursion. I miss that.