Thursday, September 21, 2006

keep on, keeping on

I've been keeping busy with Devin's school, home care and such.
Then there's my health, which I've been battling with. I try not to get discouraged but I do feel sad and frustrated at times about the relapse I've had and to think of all the progress I made that's gone and I'm back at square one. At the time of my relapse I believe I was trying to many new foods to fast because I was feeling better and stronger but I wasn't being as careful as I should have been and now I'm suffering for it. There's still so much I need to learn about my condition and how my body reacts to foods. It's a real test of self disciple and not giving up. I am truly thankful for all the progress that I have made, I just need to keep on the right track and take things slow. I've made so many mistakes and I really beat myself up about it, but that's one thing I can't do, as they say worry and stress can cause an upset stomach and bad indigestion. So that's a little bit about what's going on with me. I don't like to talk about it to much because I don't want to sound negitive or depressed. It's just one of those things I'm learning to endure. So keep me in your prayers!

On a lighter note: Mike and me will be taking off to Sunny Cal. tomorrow to see friends and attained the seminar. It will be a nice break and so good to see everyone again, I've missed you so! I do hope I'll get a chance to see you all before we leave. Please pray for our flight that everything goes smoothly and I won't have any pain. Devin will be staying back with his grandparents and all the other wonderful people in our home. A big thank you to all who are staying back and keeping our homes running, enabling us to go. We couldn't have made it without you!

Here's just a few random pictures of Devin....I will miss him!

Fishy mouth...
Art & craft time, we made this baby chick outfit for him.

The curls!

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