There's been a lot going on here that I'd love to blog about but don't have the time to.
Here are some of the highlights:
*Mike and Devin arrived safe and sound
*Been busy unpacking and getting them settled in
*Had a good bye party for Gabe and Alison
*Went out for a Thai dinner with some old friends
*Had a big Sushi dinner with other friends in the area.
I know there were pictures taken so I will do my best to locate some to post for you all.
My health has been making steady progress. I've now gained 20 lbs. since I've moved up here and am hoping for another 20 by New years. It's so wonderful to be up and around, taking care of Devin and living life again. Being sick and in bed for so long sure makes you thankful for all the little things in life that you other wise maybe would not have notice. I still feel weak and go at a slower pace then most but I'm happy with what I can do.
Please do continue to pray for my strength and that I can stick to my diet and gain weight that I need. Love you xoxo